St Mary’s Church is in the beautiful village of Wendover near Aylesbury and is part of the Oxford Diocese. A church has existed on the site from at least the 12th century, however parts of the current Grade II* listed building date back to the early parts of the 14th century, with Victorian additions.
For the reorder of the seating Treske made seating for 200 people, using a mixture of three-seater St Wilfrid benches and stackable St Wilfrid chairs and armchairs, so that different seating configurations could easily be set up. All the seating had upholstered seats, a hymn book trough on the back of the back rest and a shelf set under the seat for kneeler storage.
An altar and lectern were also designed and made for the Nave. All of the furniture was made in oak, and then fumed before receivign a hard wearing lacquer finish.
Choir and Clergy stalls and seating and organists bench designed by Treske.
Treske made a mixture of St Mary's chairs and benches as well as St Nicholas folding chairs for St Nicholas, Great Kimble.
St Nicholas Church, Cuddington had stacking benches and chairs made by Treske as part of their church reordering.