Worship has taken place in Hendon since Saxon times. Part of the Diocese of London, St Mary’s church has undergone many changes and increases in size over the centuries keeping pace with the growing local population of the London area. The Norman stone font is used for baptisms and is a reminder of the long history of the church.
St Mary’s church reordered seating to replace the existing pews, ordering 175 St Wilfrid side chairs along with 25 armchairs made in oak.
At the time of installing the seating a large Cedar of Lebanon was taken down in the church yard with the timber planks stored in the Nave. Treske were asked to store this ready for the second phase of the project to make a nave altar, a president’s chair and a servers stool. After submitting designs to the PCC and DAC approval, Treske then made the furniture in the church's own Cedar – filling the factory with scented wood as it was made. The principal features of the altar were the pierced quatrefoils under the surface of the top and the curved legs and rails giving the altar a lightness and poise.