After some years of consultation between church, congregation and Treske designers, Treske made over 600 chairs for St Magnus Cathedral, Kirkwall, on the main island of Orkney. Made in responsibly sourced oak, the chairs, with hymn book shelves, can be stacked and linked and are easily portable.
The new uses to which the cathedral is now being put, such as a venue for concerts and other public events as well as worship, means that flexibility in use as well as comfort was essential. The design sensitively reflects the nature of the largely Norman architecture of St Magnus in a way that no off-the-peg chair could have done. The handsome bespoke chairs perfectly complement the Orcadians beloved cathedral and will withstand many decades of constant use.
Designs for a moveable altar table, ambo, credence table, chair and stool were inspired by the Victorian transept arches of St Chad's. Made in fumed oak which will darken with time, the furniture is clearly contemporary yet sympathetic to its setting. Two hundred and fifty oak chairs with book troughs were also commissioned, forty with arms.
Treske made and installed a co-ordinated set of furniture, including the tower screen, vestry table and vestment wardrobe, seating, porch notice boards, bookcases, library table, serving table, pulpit and Southwell chairs, as well as supplying 40 Howe 40/4 chairs.
St Nicholas Church, Cuddington had stacking benches and chairs made by Treske as part of their church reordering.